1 I don’t care how tough the path of belief in God is, I only carry out God’s will as my vocation; much less do I care whether I receive blessings or suffer misfortune in the future. Now that I am resolved to love God, I will be faithful to the end. No matter what dangers or hardships lurk behind me, no matter what my end will be, in order to welcome God’s day of glory, I closely follow God’s footsteps and strive onward.

2 I see God’s heart is so worried. How should I do my duty to share God’s burden? The path to spreading the kingdom gospel is long and arduous. If I love God, then I should suffer to bear witness to Him. Since I have chosen to love God, I should dedicate myself to Him. I’m ... Read more »

Category: Church Hymns | Views: 184 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 13.Nov.2019