Question 15: We follow the example of Paul and work very hard for the Lord spreading the gospel, bearing witness to the Lord, and shepherding the Lord’s churches, just as Paul did: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2Ti 4:7). Is this not following the will of God? This kind of practice should mean that we are qualified to be raptured and enter into the kingdom of heaven, so why must we accept God’s work of judgment and purification in the last days before we can be brought into the kingdom of heaven?


The question is critical. It involves whether we can be brought into the kingdom of heaven. Most believers of the Lord think that emulating Paul by sacrificing everything and working hard for the Lord is tantamount to following the way of the Lord and the eligibility to be brought into the king ... Read more »

Views: 125 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 14.Nov.2019