I haven’t seen sister Sophia many times in fellowships. Each time I called her, she always says she is busy and then hangs up our call hurriedly. I worry about her, for she always busies herself with her life and works so that there is no time to come before God. I can only pray for her.
Today, I suddenly received a message from Sophia. She said in the message that she hadn't a regular dinner time recently, as a result, her stomach diseases suddenly attacked, it hasn’t recurred for years. She is so painful that she couldn’t eat, sleep even work. 
Seeing her messages, I feel sad for Sophia. I think of the words of the Lord Jesus, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). The words of the Lord let us see the consequence ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 115 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 11.Feb.2020