Is God always merciful and loving? Many believers and sisters will give a positive answer, saying that God is merciful and loving. But have we overlooked something? We all know that the Bible records two cities: Nineveh and Sodom. Both these two cities were full of evil and provoked God’s anger so that God was going to destroy them. When the people of Nineveh heard the words of God conveyed by Jonah, they all turned away from their evil ways, confessed their sins and repented before God in sackcloth and ashes, thus they received God’s mercy. On the contrary, the people of Sodom offended God’s disposition and were destroyed by the brimstone and fire God sent from heaven in the end because they never repented but stubbornly opposed God to the very end. Sodom and Nineveh were both extremely evil cities, yet why did they have different ends?
The evil and
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