God's words:

There is an enormous secret in your heart. You never know it there because you have been living in a world without light shining. Your heart and your spirit have been taken away by the evil one. Your eyes are covered by darkness; you cannot see the sun in the sky, nor the twinkling star in the night. Your ears are clogged with deceptive words and you hear not the thunderous voice of Jehovah, nor the sound of the rushing waters from the throne. You have lost everything that should have belonged to you and everything that the ... Read more »

Category: Utterances of Christ | Views: 147 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 22.Mar.2020

Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

God says:"The last days have arrived, and countries across the world are in turmoil, there is political disarray, famines, pestilences, floods, and droughts are appearing everywhere, there is catastrophe in the world of man, and Heaven has sent down disaster. These are signs of the last days. But to people, it seems like a world of gaiety and splendor, one that is becoming more and more so. When people look upon the world, their hearts are drawn to it, and many are unable to extricate themselves from it; great numbers will be beguiled by those who engage in trickery and sorcery. If you do not strive for progress, and are without ideals, you will be swept away by this sinful wave. ... Read more »

Views: 143 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 21.Mar.2020 | Comments (0)