Recently, in many countries, schools and malls have been suspended. Under such a circumstance, I can’t go to church for worship, either. I’ve known from news reports that many Christian lose their lives in this disaster. Being faced with this, I really want to know what I should do to obtain God’s protection. Except for being quarantined from the outside, I can do nothing, which makes me feel anxious all day.

Thank God! A brother of our church suggested that I can attend the online gathering with brothers and sisters, for the online gathering doesn’t need contact face to face. Such a way of gathering is not only safe for each of us and but also helps our communication about the knowledge of the Lord. It is really a good form of gathering. So, I gladly joined their group on the Internet. This morning, a sister in this group shared ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Books | Views: 156 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 28.Apr.2020

Recently, in many countries, schools and malls have been suspended. Under such a circumstance, I can’t go to church for worship, either. I’ve known from news reports that many Christian lose their lives in this disaster. Being faced with this, I really want to know what I should do to obtain God’s protection. Except for being quarantined from the outside, I can do nothing, which makes me feel anxious all day.

Thank God! A brother of our church suggested that I can attend the online gathering with brothers and sisters, for the online gathering doesn’t need contact face to face. Such a way of gathering is not only safe for each of us and but also helps our communication about the knowledge of the Lord. It is really a good form of gathering. So, I gladly joined their group on the Internet. This morning, a sister in this group shared Words of God and said, “Disasters now becom ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Books | Views: 109 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 28.Apr.2020