2020 The Church of Almighty God Hymn | "God's Love and Essence Are Selfless" | Praise Song


God gives His best,

His best side He gives.


The best things,

very best things, He gives.

Never disclosing or showing His suffering,

God, He endures, waiting in silence.

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Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 132 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 15.May.2020 | Comments (0)

Gospel Hymns and Song"A Choice Without Regret" | 2020 Chinese Christian Song


When Satan’s arrests and persecution of Christians grow increasingly savage,

when the city is full of dark horror, and I flee wherever I can,

when freedom is imprisoned in a dismal jail,

when my only company is a long night of pain,

I shall not waver in my ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 105 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 14.May.2020 | Comments (0)