Have you taken the ticket for the kingdom of heaven?

This morning I turned on my computer and saw the messages sister XiaoNa left me: Hello, sister! I want to seek a question from you: In our gatherings, pastors and elders often say, “Don’t worry! Brother Paul once said, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day……’(2 Timothy 4:7-8) Our working hard for the Lord is praised by Him, the Lord would reward us according to the price we have paid when He returns. We have paid so much price for the Lord, so we are sure to enter the kingdom of heaven. However, when searching scriptures these days, I saw the Lord Jesus say, ‘Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.’(Matthew 7:21), ‘Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.’(John 8:34-35). I feel there is a contradiction between the words of Paul and that of the Lord Jesus. God’s holy, and God’s kingdom is a holy place. Though we expend ourselves and work hard for the Lord for years, we still often commit sins, tell lies and engage in deception. Though we have not done any great evil, we have not reached holiness. How can we be qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven? To these questions, I am not clear yet, and don’t feel at ease! Recently, I seek out pastors and elders on this issue, however, they give no answer to me and still say that as long as we work hard and spread the gospel for the Lord, and shepherd churches, the Lord would be sure to take us up to the kingdom of heaven. Sister, what do you think about this issue?” When I see that sister XiaoNa is a person seeking the truth, I was very happy and then replied, “Hello, sister. It is a good question. If we are not clear about this question, we would miss the chance of entering the kingdom of heaven. In the past, I had the same view as you. Later, I investigate Almighty God’s end-time work, through reading some God’s words and watching some related videos, I am now clear about this issue, and know if we wish to serve in accordance with God’s will, we must be according to the words of the Lord, not the words of man, and know what should we do can enter the kingdom of heaven. Here, I share with you a short play, "We Must Be Dreaming!" The fellowship in this video makes this aspect of the truth very clear, and I hope you benefit from it as well!”

Eastern Lightning | English Christian Skit "We Must Be Dreaming!" | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Through Hard Work


Learn About True Salvation. It Relates to Our Destination.

Having our sins forgiven doesn't mean we have full salvation and can enter God's kingdom. We still have to cast off sin. Read  now to find the difference between salvation and redemption

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