2020 Christian Music Video | "Peter Knew God Best"


2020 Christian Music Video | "Peter Knew God Best"

Peter was faithful to God for many years, 
yet he never grumbled nor had any complaint; 
even Job was not his equal, 
and, throughout the ages, the saints have all fallen far short of Peter. 
He not only sought to know God, 
but also came to know Him during a time when Satan was enacting its deceitful schemes. 
This led Peter to serve God for many years, always in line with His will, 
and for this reason, he was never exploited by Satan. 

Peter drew lessons from the faith of Job, yet also clearly perceived Job’s shortcomings.
Although Job had been of great faith, he lacked knowledge of matters in the spiritual realm, 
so he said many words that did not correspond to reality; 
this shows that Job’s knowledge was shallow and incapable of perfection,
incapable of perfection.
Therefore, Peter focused always on gaining a sense of the spirit, 
and always paid attention to observing the dynamics of the spiritual realm. 
As a result, he not only was able to ascertain something of God’s wishes, 
but also had a modicum of knowledge of the deceitful schemes of Satan. 
Because of this, his knowledge of God grew to be greater than anyone else’s throughout the ages.

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