On today’s Sunday Worship, there came a new preacher Brother Wang. He asked us: Do you know what true faith in God is? Bothers and sisters raced to answer this question. Sister Chen said, “Believing in God is to believe in and acknowledge the existence of God, and acknowledge all things are created by God.” Brother Li continued to say, “Often read the Bible, pray, attend gatherings and spread the gospel”. Sister Zhang said, “To recite those important charters and verses”… All brothers and sisters all talked about their views. To be frank, though I have believed in God for years, I didn’t think about this question intently. The preacher’s question let me focus on this issue.
Preacher Brother Wang continued, “This question sounds very simple, and all of you speak out your views, then have we thought about whether such these views are correct or not? What exact is true faith in God? There is a paragraph of God’s words, which make this issue very clear, let’s read together! God’s word says, “Belief in God” means believing that there is a God; this is the simplest concept as regards believing in God. What’s more, believing that there is a God is not the same as truly believing in God; rather, it is a kind of simple faith with strong religious overtones. True faith in God means the following: On the basis of the belief that God holds sovereignty over all things, one experiences His words and His work, purges one’s corrupt disposition, satisfies the will of God, and comes to know God. Only a journey of this kind may be called “faith in God.” Yet people often see belief in God as a simple and frivolous matter. People who believe in God in this way have lost what it means to believe in God, and though they may continue to believe until the very end, they shall never gain God’s approval, because they tread upon the wrong path. ”(from The Word Appears in the Flesh)
Preacher Wang went on: “This passage reveals the truth and mystery of true faith in God. We can see that belief in God refers to believing in God’s words and experiencing God’s words and work to attain the truth and true knowledge of God. Only this is true faith in God! Take Job as an example. When trials came upon him, he could accept it from God, believing everything regardless good or bad has God’s permission. Without God’s permission, the robbers couldn’t take his assets away. He could believe in God’s sovereignty, so He could submit to God and praise God. After he stood the testimony, God not only doubled His blessing upon him, but also spoke to him in the whirlwind. From Job’s story, we can see that Job is a person who has true faith in God. When things arise, he doesn’t look at from man’s perspective, nor complain against or misunderstand God. He doesn’t use his own method to get his assets back from the robbers but accepts it from God instead. He believes in God’s sovereignty and arrangement and submits to God’s orchestration, and finally stood the testimony. Only such a journey of believing in God is true faith in God!”
Brother Wang’s sharing gives me new knowledge of true faith in God. Today’s fellowship benefits me a lot! I’d like to share these gains with all of you.
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