Gospel Movie Clip (4) - Why Does God Carry Out the Work of Judgment in the Last Days?

 Why does God perform judgment work? There are in the Torah many prophecies that say God would perform judgment work in the last days. To the significance of why God performs judgment work, we are still not very clear. Today we had a discussion about this topic in our gathering, I benefited much. The following is what I want to share with you. David said in gathering, “Though we have sin, God is love. After we commit sins, as long as we confess sins before God, He will forgive us and no longer see us as a sinner. Then why does God still perform judgment work?” Allen said, “Yes, God has forgiven our sins, wouldn't we enter the place God prepares for us?” Esther said, “We can’t treat God’s work according to our imagination. The Torah says, ‘Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy’(Leviticus 19:2), and, ‘…for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth’(Psalm 96:13).” KK said, “God has forgiven our sins, but it doesn’t mean we have no sin. We should know that what ‘sin’ refers to”. Sin is something that opposes God, the product of evilness and corruption, comes from Satan, and arises from man’s sinful nature. The reason why man opposes, judges, resists and hates God is that man has sin within. All that belongs to sin is evil and in opposition to God. All that is evil and in opposition to God and the truth belong to sin. Especially those who can’t practice the truth and often live in sin are the people without humanity.  To put it plainly, such people all belong to demons. Man must bear the consequence if he commits sins, the outcome of sin is death. Sin is something cursed by God. So, those who commit sins will be judged, cursed and eliminated. Here, I share with you a movie clip, “FROM THE THRONE FLOWS THE WATER OF LIFE” | Why Does God Carry Out the Work of Judgment in the Last Days? Through our discussion and watching the movie clip, I get to know the significance of God’s judgment work. God is holy and righteous. If we often live in sin, tell lies, engage in deception and judge man, though we often confess sins before God and have some good deeds outwardly, our constant state of sinning and confessing can’t be cleansed without God’s judgment work.

Gospel Movie Clip (4) - Why Does God Carry Out the Work of Judgment in the Last Days?

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