On today’s Sunday Worship, there came a new preacher Brother Wang. He asked us: Do you know what true faith in God is? Bothers and sisters raced to answer this question. Sister Chen said, “Believing in God is to believe in and acknowledge the existence of God, and acknowledge all things are created by God.” Brother Li continued to say, “Often read the Bible, pray, attend gatherings and spread the gospel”. Sister Zhang said, “To recite those important charters and verses”…  All brothers and sisters all talked about their views. To be frank, though I have believed in God for years, I didn’t think about this question intently. The preacher’s question let me focus on this issue.
Preacher Brother Wang continued, “T ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 164 | Added by: cool1215162 | Date: 24.Feb.2020